Réka Markovich (University of Luxembourg)
Leon van der Torre (University of Luxembourg)
Website: https://icr.uni.lu/deonticlogic/ESSLLI2021.html
Abstract: The aim of the course is to provide an introduction to deontic logic from conceptual and formal points of view highlighting the basic notions and approaches from the viewpoint of prominent applications of deontic logic: computer science, law, ethics, and Artificial Intelligence.
Schedule for the week:
Day 1 (Monday)
Interdisciplinary methodology in Deontic Logic
Philosophical challenges and foundations
Day 2 (Tuesday)
The problem of Contrary-to-Duty: Preference and Dyadic Deontic Logics
The problem of detachment: Input/Output Logics
Day 3 (Wednesday)
The problem of formalizing practical reasoning
The problem of formalizing rights
Day 4 (Thursday)
The problem of dilemmas
The problem of deontic explanations
Day 5 (Friday)
Deontic Logic as a nonmonotonic logic
The problem of unification